What We Have Done For Tehzeeb
Tehzeeb is the biggest food brand in Rawalpindi/Islamabad.
During our tenure at Tehzeeb, we were responsible for writing SEO optimized product description after tasting their products (Best job in the world). We also consulted with Mr. Arslan Noon and advised him on Reputation management, Digital Growth, Ecommerce, and Online visibility. We still continue to work with them and make viral memes advertising their various products in a fun and engaging manner using viral trends. We then use these memes to increase online visibility, brand retention, and traffic on their website. We do this by promoting Tehzeeb memes on Big influencer's social media pages and channels. We are proud to have a total following of 20 Million all over Pakistan and the capability to make a meme campaign viral within 24 hrs. WE have given Tehzeeb traffic, page likes, views, and engagement in millions up till now.

Some examples of the viral memes we produced for them and made viral through influencer marketing: